County Ensures Los Olivos is Flush With Funds for Public Restrooms

Third District Santa Barbara County Supervisor Joan Hartmann has announced the influx of substantial county funding to support an improved public restroom experience for visitors to Los Olivos.

Los Olivos sets high standards in the hospitality industry and is host to many award-winning wine-tasting rooms, restaurants featuring upscale cuisine, world-class lodging and hotel accommodations, and distinctive locally-owned small businesses, Hartmann said.

However, Los Olivos is designated as a “special problems” area by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and relies on septic systems limiting its capacity to offer public restrooms.

Hartmann secured $75,000 per year for five years as a bridge until a more permanent sewer system solution might be implemented.

The funding increase will enable the Los Olivos Chamber of Commerce to more regularly service and clean publicly available mobile toilet facilities so visitors can have a more comfortable experience when visiting Los Olivos.
