Hartmann the Best Choice!

As a Goleta resident who values the natural world and the beauty of Santa Barbara County, I am eager to see Joan Hartmann re-elected as Third District county supervisor.

The quality of our local environment is at the heart of our quality of life, which is why I am active with the Sierra Club. The local Sierra Club chapter has endorsed Hartmann for re-election because we recognize all the ways that she fights to protect the beauty that enriches our lives and drives our tourism economy.

Hartmann has worked tirelessly to improve access to trails and parks, understanding the importance of outdoor recreation to everyone from seniors to our youngest residents. That’s why she chairs both the KIDS and Adult and Aging Networks.

She is an impassioned advocate for transitioning from fossil fuels to green energy, including green economy jobs.

Her creative environmental activism goes back to her days as an attorney for the federal government, where she helped found the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project, a novel public-private partnership. It’s been evident in her work to preserve the Gaviota coast, saving our county from becoming just another overdeveloped coastline like Orange County!

We need more people like Hartmann in local government: hard working, committed to our well-being and to protecting the environment on which we all depend!

Bill Woodbridge

Noozhawk Letter to the editor